Our Vision

What do we mean by Cultural Education?

We firmly believe that all children should be offered high quality opportunities in school and out of school. Archaeology, architecture and the built environment, archives, craft, concerts, dance, design, digital arts, drama and theatre, film and cinemas, galleries, heritage, libraries, literature, live performances, museums, music, poetry and the visual arts.

What is the role of the LCEP?

  • A vehicle for delivering The Cultural Education Challenge
  • Facilitate: access, quality, diversity, value for money and the voice of young people
  • Audit cultural assets; identify gaps; build a co-created offer

The key challenge is to unlock demand from those not currently engaging with cultural activity.

What is the Cultural Education Challenge?

The concept of a Cultural Education Challenge is to give every child and young person the right to:

  • Create, compose and perform their own musical or artistic work.
  • Visit, experience and participate in extraordinary work.
  • Know more, understand more and review the experiences they’ve had.

Underpinned by the principles of:

  • Access, reach, diversity, quality,
  • Impact/accountability, and
  • Voice and influence of young people

The Sefton LCEP story so far

Our North West Bridge Organisation ‘Curious Minds’ invited all schools and arts organisations to come together and shape a vision for cultural education across Sefton. The process included a wide range of meeting and consensus workshops to share ideas and shape our key strategy and principles. This led to the establishment of our Strategic Steering Group and the refining of our vision for increased engagement in the arts and culture for young people.

Artsmark Town 

We were also successful in gaining status as an Artsmark Town or Borough – a project to encourage 50% of all Sefton schools to register their place on a journey towards the Arts Council’s Artmark Award.

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